Where’s my belly button gone?

I always thought I would never give in to the insane pressure of losing my baby weight and getting my pre-pregnancy bod back within a ridiculously short space of time. However, yesterday I found myself looking in the mirror and crying after I’d seen a gorgeous girl in a bikini with a lovely, flat and stripe-less tum whilst browsing on the net. I know I am being totally ridiculous as I only had triplets 4 weeks ago, but there is a totally irrational piece of my brain that just cannot help but feel totally bummed about this new look that I have taken on. I have questions passing through my mind like “Does John still fancy me? Does he mind or even like my new look? Will I ever be able to be happy with my new bod?” He reassures me all of the time that he still finds me attractive and that he loves me more than ever now, but these thoughts still niggle me. 
I think that women look absolutely beautiful during pregnancy and they always look glowing afterwards too, even if the bags under the eyes are a little darker than before. I personally didn’t feel particularly sexy during my pregnancy and I needed a lot of help from John after I’d had the C-Section with getting dressed, showered and even going to the loo in the first couple of days. I think that it has changed our relationship and the way that we look at each other. I have complete and utter respect for him and how he has looked after me, but I can’t help but feel that maybe he doesn’t see me in the same way that he used to. 
I tweeted about my body issues yesterday and a fellow tweeter kindly sent me the following link…
The caption states “Your body is not ruined, you’re a goddam tiger who earned her stripes”.
It’s totally true, I did earn my crazy belly stripes, I carried 20lb of babies and placenta for nearly 8 months and I got 3 beautiful healthy baby boys out of it. I look at the pictures below today with a clearer mind and I know that my stripes are a very small part of my post pregnancy body. On the plus side my boobs are  2 cup sizes bigger than they were pre-pregnancy! Yippee!
The 3 reasons I am grateful for my belly stripes!
I’ve never had body issues in the past and I am determined not to allow these issues to worm their way further into my mind. I think I will start with having a hot bath, sorting out the chipped nail polish on my toe nails and digging out some of my pre-pregnancy clothes that made me feel sexy! Any other suggestions would be very welcome 🙂
33 weeks pregnant
The bump has decreased considerably thanks to expressing 1.5 litres of breast milk a day!

Where’s my belly button gone?

1 thought on “Where’s my belly button gone?

  1. My tummy looks the exact same way after having my triplets at 34 weeks. I too wanted to turn back the clock and have the tummy I had before but nothing will ever be more present in my life moving forward to remind me of the greatest gift of my life. Embrace them because I know I look at them now and yearn for the time in which I was carrying my precious babies and am saddened that is was over all too fast!
    Good luck with those handsome men, life only gets better… If you can even imagine that!!


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